عن جابر قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : المؤمن يألف ويؤلف ، ولا خير فيمن لا يألف ، ولا يؤلف، وخير الناس أنفعهم للناس

Dari Jabir, Ia berkata: ”Rasulullah SAW bersabda,’Orang beriman itu bersikap ramah dan tidak ada kebaikan bagi seorang yang tidak bersikap ramah. Dan sebaik-baik manusia adalah orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.(HR. Thabrani dan Daruquthni).

Tentang Kami

Yayasan pendidikan Islam Al-Manshuriyyah merupakan yayasan yang berada di kecamatan bojonggenteng yang membawahi berbagai lembaga pendidikan formal (dari tingkat PAUD, TK, RA, MI, MTs dan MA/SMA) maupun non formal (Pengajian, TPQ/TPA) berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan Khususnya di Kecamatan Bojonggenteng.

A group of women wearing uniforms with white tops and pink sashes is gathered indoors. They appear to be in a training or instructional session, with one woman demonstrating something to the others. The room is bright with soft lighting and white curtains, conveying a clean and professional environment.
A group of women wearing uniforms with white tops and pink sashes is gathered indoors. They appear to be in a training or instructional session, with one woman demonstrating something to the others. The room is bright with soft lighting and white curtains, conveying a clean and professional environment.

Layanan Pendidikan Terbaik

Kami Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pelatihan formal serta non-formal untuk masyarakat

Pelatihan Keterampilan

Program pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan masyarakat setempat secara efektif.

A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
A large group of people, consisting of both men and women, are gathered in a room. Some are sitting on chairs while others are standing around them. The room seems to be set up for a professional training or workshop, as indicated by a banner in the background. The environment appears formal, with a presentation screen and tables with documents and water bottles.
Pendidikan Formal

Menyelenggarakan program pendidikan formal yang berkualitas untuk masyarakat

Kegiatan Non-Formal

Program kegiatan non-formal yang mendukung pengembangan diri dan kreativitas masyarakat.

Galeri Kegiatan

Lihat momen berharga dari pendidikan dan pelatihan kami.

Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al-Manshuriyyah memberikan pelayanan Pendidikan dan pelatihan yang berkualitas. Saya sangat terbantu dengan program pendidikan yang mereka tawarkan. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Hidayat Awaludin

A teacher is engaging with a group of students sitting at a desk. The students are dressed in matching attire and wearing traditional headwear. They appear focused on their studies as they interact with the teacher. Books are open in front of them, and shelves filled with books are visible in the background.
A teacher is engaging with a group of students sitting at a desk. The students are dressed in matching attire and wearing traditional headwear. They appear focused on their studies as they interact with the teacher. Books are open in front of them, and shelves filled with books are visible in the background.
